
Accreditation to Author

PM Solutions Assurance

Date Originally Published

15 October 2021


Agile, Agile Assurance Reviews, Assurance, Best Practice, Gateway Assurance,

For assurance reviewers and organisations undertaking gated or agile type assurance reviews, there are four-simple-steps to undertaking a successful assurance review:

1. The review initiation:

Internal Assurance Units or PMOs need to:

  • clarify with the Business Owner the characteristics of the program or project
  • discuss the timing and logistics of the review process
  • discuss the skills required within the assurance review team.

2. The planning meeting:

This provides the Business Owner with the opportunity to discuss key issues and to brief the assurance review team about the program or project. The assurance review team will:

  • request documentation and interviews with key stakeholders during the onsite review week
  • discuss the review agenda, resourcing requirements (facilities), and protocols for the review.

3. The onsite review:

This includes an examination of the requested documentation and interviews with key program and/or project stakeholders. The initial days of the review are primarily be used for interviews and documentation review, while the later days are commonly used for report writing. At the end of each day, the assurance review team leader will brief the Business Owner on the day’s findings. This provides the Business Owner with an opportunity to address any misunderstandings, progress outstanding issues or provide additional information if required.

4. The review report:

The assurance review report represents advice from the assurance review team to the Business Owner who is then responsible for determining the responses to the recommendations contained in the report. The assurance review report includes:

  • findings based on evidence derived from stakeholder interviews and program or project documentation
  • recommendations that are action oriented, achievable and that focus on areas that can contribute to program or project success
  • an overall assessment of delivery confidence.



PM Solutions is an accredited best practice partner and Australia’s leading portfolio, program and project assurance specialists, who continue to deliver outstanding assurance services and reviews to an extensive array of governments, agencies and organisations, across a broad range of industries.

Find out more and how we deliver outstanding assurance reviews at: https://pmsolutionsaustralia.com.au/assurance/assurance-services/