
Assurance and Decisions in Program Management

While all of the themes in the Axelos Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) 5th edition are interlinked, the assurance and decisions themes have a close relationship. The concept of assurance is important to MSP as a whole and it’s really about the programme manager having confidence that what they are doing is right.

Assurance, AXELOS, Best Practice, MSP, Program Management

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Assurance Best Practice for Agile Projects

Assurance Reviews that support modern, fast paced and agile environments. Our Agile Assurance reviews and processes has been designed to assist government agencies, departments and organisations with the successful delivery of agile digital projects.

Agile, Agile Assurance Reviews, Assurance, Best Practice

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4 simple steps to better Assurance Reviews

For assurance reviewers and organisations undertaking gated or agile type assurance reviews, there are four simple steps to undertaking a successful assurance review:

Agile, Agile Assurance Reviews, Assurance, Best Practice, Gateway Assurance

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How Business Owners can Maximise the Benefits of Assurance Reviews

Organisations and governments continue to be asked to implement transformations and change faster, better and for less. They are meeting this challenge by adopting more agile approaches to transform front of office services as well as their back-office operations.

Agile Assurance Reviews, Assurance, Gateway Assurance

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Who’s afraid of Project Assurance?

When I was a junior consultant, I viewed project assurance with more than some trepidation. The scrutiny poured on my wo...

Assurance, AXELOS, Project Management

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Why Project Assurance is Vital to Success

Assurance is when the project board objectively assesses a project’s performance. This assessment considers whether us...

Assurance, Methodologies, PRINCE2, Project Management

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